reunite the extended family on vacation

reunite the extended family on vacation

A Himalayan Trek May Be Different From What You Expect

by Katie Hart

Close your eyes, and picture the experience of trekking in the Himalayas. Now, prepare yourself for the image you're picturing to be inaccurate. Many people talk about trekking in the Himalayas, but since this is something that not many people actually experience, there are a lot of misconceptions floating around. If you plan on actually going on a Himalayan trek yourself, it's a good idea to have an accurate picture of what's involved. Here are a few ways in which the reality differs from what you may be hearing and picturing.

Not every trek is a long, multi-day venture.

You are probably thinking about spending several nights in a tent or a hut throughout your trek. And indeed, there are many treks that take this format. However, there are also many shorter treks. You can book a trek that only involves one night spent overnight. You can even book a trek that leaves in the morning and comes back the same evening. 

You don't always go straight up a mountain.

Again, this is true sometimes. There are treks that go up the mountain and then back down again. However, there are also treks that take you through a valley with hardly any elevation change. There are longer treks that go up one mountain, down the other side, and then up another bigger mountain. In short, there is a huge variety in the paths treks take, and if you don't want to spend three days walking up a hill, you do not have to.

Not every trek takes place in a big group.

Actually, most treks take place in smaller groups because it is easier for a guide to lead a few people down a path than for them to lead 20 or 30 people down a path. You can easily book a private trek with just a couple of your family members or close friends. Or you can go by yourself and join a small group of 3 or 4 others. A trek is a more personalized, personal experience than most people realize.

The entire trek won't necessarily take place in the snow.

There will definitely be some snow if you go high up into the mountains. But if you book a trek that stays mostly in a valley, you might not see a lot of snow. Rarely will the whole trek take place in several feet of snow as is commonly pictured.

Now you have a better idea of what to expect on your Himalayan trek, should you choose to book one. Above all else, remember to relax, take a deep breath, and enjoy yourself.


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reunite the extended family on vacation

When was the last time your entire family was together. If your family is anything like mine, you have siblings, cousins, aunts and uncles spread across the United States. Having so many people scattered across such a distance can make family gatherings nearly impossible. Have you considered having an extended family vacation? This is one way to get everyone together and and you can actually save money on some of your travel needs. My site is loaded with information about how to get group rate discounts at hotels, restaurants and events in different areas. These discounts may make what seems impossible, a possibility.