reunite the extended family on vacation

reunite the extended family on vacation

  • 5 Items You Don't Want To Forget For Your Beach Vacation

    When you go on a beach vacation, you will most likely bring your beach necessities such as a bathing suit, snacks, flip flops, sun screen, and sunglasses. There are several extra items you don't want to forget to bring with you or rent while you are at the beach resort so you can get the most enjoyment out of your beach vacation. Here are five things you don't want to forget for your trip to help you get the most out of your beach time.

  • 3 Must-Have's For Business Travel In A Big City

    Are you about to go on a business trip or start traveling for business a lot? Are you going to a big city for the trip? If you're unfamiliar with big, metropolitan cities, your first time there can be a bit intimidating. The good news is that with a little preparation, you will get through your first trip seamlessly. Soon, you will be business traveling like a pro, and you will always be prepared for big city stays.

  • 3 Common Hotel Amenities You Might Not Be Taking Advantage Of

    If you travel occasionally, you might feel like you are pretty familiar with the types of amenities that most hotels offer. Instead of digging deeper to find all of the ways that your hotel might be able to help you out, you probably settle for the complimentary continental breakfast and extra travel shampoos. However, here are three common hotel amenities that you might not be taking advantage of, and how they can make your life a whole lot easier.

  • 6 Ways To Save Money On Your Hotel Room

    Are you looking for the best possible deal on your hotel room? Most travelers are, but not everyone knows how to get the lowest prices. Here's what you need to know to save the most money. Book early Everyone knows that airline tickets are cheaper if you book early, but not everyone knows that hotel rooms are, too. Hotels set their prices in the same way that airlines do. As the occupancy increases, the price for the few remaining seats (or rooms, in this case) increases.

  • The Top 4 Destinations For A Doggone Good Family Vacation

    While millions of Americans love to travel, those with pets face particular challenges. Leaving the beloved animal at a kennel costs a small fortune, and may cause them to be very stressed and unhappy. However, having a dog in tow doesn't always make for the best of vacations, unless you plan for the event with the animal in mine from the onset. Here are four of the best ideas for fun on the road that can include your four-legged friend.

  • About Me

    reunite the extended family on vacation

    When was the last time your entire family was together. If your family is anything like mine, you have siblings, cousins, aunts and uncles spread across the United States. Having so many people scattered across such a distance can make family gatherings nearly impossible. Have you considered having an extended family vacation? This is one way to get everyone together and and you can actually save money on some of your travel needs. My site is loaded with information about how to get group rate discounts at hotels, restaurants and events in different areas. These discounts may make what seems impossible, a possibility.